Las Palmas events & festivals

The cultural highlights in Las Palmas

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria is offering a very lively cultural scene, the most popular Events are annual festivals like the Carnaval de Las Palmas in february, the film festival Festival de Cine Las Palmas in april, the Rally Gran Canaria in march & april, the foundation celebration Fiestas Fundicionales in June, The Temudas Fest in july & august, the festival de Musica & Opera and the Zarzuela, the Festival Teatro y Danza and the Canarias Jazz in the auditorio Alfredo Kraus.

Further events take place the whole year. The most important event locations are the Parque Santa Catalina, the Plaza de la Musica near the Auditorio, the Plaza Santa Ana in front of the cathedral (Vegueta), the Parque San Telmo (Triana), the Plaza Cairasco & the fairgrounds of INFECAR (ciudad alta). 

Fiestas Fundacionales: foundation celebrations Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Las Palmas Foundation Celebrations »»

Fiestas fundacionales - Noche de San Juan Las Palmas. The foundation celebrations Las Fiestas Fundicionales de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, which take place annually between the 13th and 23rd of June, remember the foundation of the city Las Palmas on June 23 in year 1478. There is a festive program consisting of art performances, concerts, activities for children an other Events. The highlight of these foundation celebrations of Las Palmas is undoubtedly the night of the 23th of June. Particularly known for this evening La noche de San Juan are the campfires in many districts of the city. In this night the half of the city meets at the Canteras Beach to take a common nocturnal bath in the ocean, under the lights of a spectacular firework.

Cartel Carnaval 2011 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Carnival in Las Palmas »»

exotic, spectacular: the carnival Latino in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Every year in ferburay the carnival Latino is celebrated in Las Palmas as one of the most important fesivals and lures almost one month nomerous visitors in the Parque Santa Catalina. the centre of the spectacle. During the carnival time the capital of the canary islands looks typical and distinctive, because a large part of the population takes activ part of the the carnival. There are special busses untill late in the night and the "Palmenser" are are awake the whole nights on the weekends.


Rally Gran Canaria 2008 »»

Trough the mountains surrouding Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Ostern Las Palmas Semana Santa

Eastern in Las Palmas - the best processions of the "Semana Santa" »»

Photos and information for easter events in Gran Canaria. Eastern in Las Palmas: the easter processions in Las Palmas are not just a lovely opportunity to get deep insights into the mystic and often dark easter processions in the moonlight, but also a excellent possibility to get to know the beautiful old town of Las Palmas in the moonlight.  

Temudas Fest 2014 Las Palmas

Temudas Fest »»

Festival of theatre, music & dance. The Temudas Fest is a festival of music, dance and theatre which takes place in Las Palmas annually in summer. Highlights are for example the concert of a philharmonic orchestra inside of the container port and numerous street theatre performances in different places of the city. Entrance tickets for some events can be bought in the tourist information in the Santa Catalina park.

Muelle deportivo Yachthafen Las Palmas

ARC Las Palmas the transatlantic sailing event »»

The ARC atlantic rally of cruisers is an annual transatlantic sailing event for cruiser yachts since 1986. The ARC starts at the end of november in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and ends before christmas in Saint Lucia in the Caribbean. The duration of the rout takes between 14 and 21 days and covers about 2700 nautic miles. The ARC is the worlds largest transatlantic sailing event with annually more than 200 participating boats of many different shapes and sizes.

Christmas Las Palmas crib of sand at the Canteras beach

Christmas in Las Palmas »»

Once something different ... Also during the christmas season Las Palmas has many to offer. Highlight is definitely the christmas crib made of sand at the Canteras beach. Moreover in nomerous public places (e.g. Parque San Telmo) and Shopping malls (Las Arenas) can beautiful and huge traditional cibs be admired. Large parts of the city shine in wonderful christmal lights.

Other events

Museum, theatre, exhibitions


The Opera Auditorio Kraus, the theatres Cuyas and Peréz Galdós, event center La Cicca and Gabinete Literario are some of almost countless Points ot the cultural szene of Las Palmas.

Museums in Las Palmas

The history of the city is with the two old town districts Triana and Vegueta also a lively part of its presence. The sights, from the last 5 centuries, are almost countless in the old town. Moreover the numerous museums ensure information and education to the different topics like the histoty of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, canary artists, modern canary art, technology and science.


Centers of art and exhibitions are countless in Las Palmas. Every day you can visit events of canary and international artists ins the numerous event centers with mostly free enrty.

Cultural event centers in Las Palmas

No matter if it is about the theatre Galdos in the district Vegueta, about the Opera Alfredo Kraus or the event center CICCA -  Las Palmas de Gran Canaria has in addition to the numerous festivals the whole year a lot to offer.